Introduction to the command line

Opening Bash

Navigating and keyboard shortcuts

Working with the file system


Prints the current username


Prints the full date and time


Print the current working directory



list (print to screen) the files and directories within the current working directory

ls path

list the files and directories within path

ls -l

use the 'long' format, showing permissions and ownership details for each file


cd directoryname

change the current working directory


mkdir [path/]name

create a new directory, optionally in a different path


touch [path/]filename

creates a new empty file, optionally in a different path


cp file location

Copy a file to a new location

cp -r directory location

copy a directory and all subdirectories to a new location

cp -r directory/* location

copy the contents of a directory including all subdirectories to a new location


mv file location

move a file to a new directory

mv file name

rename file to name


rm file

delete a file

rm -r directory

delete a directory and everything in it, including subdirectories

rm -i file

The -i flag will ask you to confirm before deleting each file or directory. Accepts anything starting in 'y' as confirmation.



chmod [flag] mode file

change permissions on a file


chmod o-r file

remove read permission for 'other' users

chmod +x file

make file executable for all users

chmod can also use octal mode values which we do not discuss in this workshop.

By default permissions for directories are only changed for the directory itself - not the current contents. The -R flag changes permissions recursively for all files and directories within the given directory.


chmod -R u+w directory

give the current user write permission for directory and all files and subdirectories within it.


"switch user and do" - usually this command is used to act as the root user. sudo is simply prepended to the command you want to run. All files created or copied using sudo will have root as their owner.


sudo chmod +x file


chown user directory

change the owner of directory to user

The -R flag is required to change the contents of directories:

chown -R user directory

change the owner of directory and all files and subdirectories within it to user

"The Manual"

man program - display the manual page for program

This will display in Vim - press q to quit back to the command line


man pwd

Editing text

Vi and Vim

Open with vi or vim. It will open in 'command mode'

i - enter 'insert mode' to write text.

Esc - exit insert mode and go back to command mode.

:q - quit

:q!- force quit and don't save

:wq filename - "write out and quit" - saves the file as filename and quits

More info about Vim


Open with nano

Ctrl + X - exit: if you have unsaved changes will prompt you to save and enter a filename.

Ctrl + W - "Where is": enter a word or phrase and press enter to go to the first line with the word or phrase.


cat file

display contents of file to the screen or STDOUT


echo string

display string to the screen or STDOUT

Environment settings and PATH


STDIN - Standard input: by default comes from keyboard

STDOUT - Standard output: by default displays on screen

STDERR - Standard error: by default displays on screen

Redirecting Streams

command > filename

direct OUTPUT to file: overwrite if file exists, create new file if it doesn't.

command >> filename

direct OUTPUT to file: append to file if file exists, create new file if it doesn't.

command1 | command2

direct OUTPUT of command1 to INPUT of command2.

Bash (command)


run as a bash script


run as a bash script after it has been made executable, if file is in the current working directory (directory does not need to be in PATH)


ln -s source_file target_file

create a symbolic link from target_file to source_file


tail file

view the last 10 lines of file

tail -r file

view the first 10 lines of file

tail -f file

continuously view the end of file to show new lines as they are appended


curl url

direct contents of url to STDOUT

curl url > file

download contents of url as file


grep string file

output lines in file containing string to STDOUT

grep -n string file

same as above but include line numbers in output

grep -c string file

only output the total number of lines

grep -i string file

make search case-insensitive

Note that string can be a regular expression.


sed arguments file

edit file according to arguments and print to STDOUT

sed 's/old_word/new_word/' file

replace old_word with new_word the first time it appears.

sed 's/old_word/new_word/g' file

replace all instances of old_word with new_word.

There are many other ways to use sed. For example:

sed -n '1,5p' file

output the first five lines of file

sed '15c\' file

delete line 15

Check out man sed for more information, or check out Bruce Barnett's useful tutorial. Don't worry if it's a bit confusing - sed is complex

tar and gzip

tar -cf archive.tar file1 file2 file1

create a tar file called archive.tar containing files 1 to 3.

tar -cf archive.tar directory

create a tar file called archive.tar containing directory

tar -xf archive.tar

extract the contents of the file archive.tar.

gzip archive.tar

compress archive.tar into a file called archive.tar.gz

gunzip archive.tar.gz

unzip the file

tar -xf archive.tar

extract the file archive.tar

Combining tar and gzip in one command

tar -czf archive.tar.gz directory

create a compressed tar archive containing directory

tar -xzf archive.tar.gz

decompress and extract the contents of archive.tar.gz


rsync -az source destination

use archive mode and compression to sync files between the source directory and the destination location.

rsync -az --del source destination

sync as above and delete any files at destination that don't exist at source


SSH or 'secure shell' allows you to log in to a remote machine and enter commands in your terminal that will execute on the remote machine - basically you are on the command line remotely.

ssh user@machine

remotely access machine as user


create a 'key pair' that will be saved to ~/.ssh/id_rsa by default.

ssh-copy-id username@remote_host

copy public key to remote machine

More info at Digital Ocean

Downloading programs and packages

At some point you will want to download programs/packages that do not come bundled with your operating system. Note that Cygwin is really an emulator so you can't use *nix packages directly using Cygwin.

Ubuntu Linux (with Windows 10)

You can download packages in Ubuntu using apt-get:

apt-get install packagename


apt-get install jq

installs jq

You may need to use sudo


The best way to download command line packages for MacOS is using Homebrew

Paste this into your command line prompt, press [Enter] and follow the prompts.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Now you can install packages:

brew install jq

installs jq

You should not use sudo with Homebrew